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Suffering and Its Spiritual Meaning or What We Need to See beyond Suffering
Rev. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Caius CUŢARU
La prière du cœur chez Saint Isaac le Syrien
Gheorghe ISTODOR
Seeing the Light of God in the Current Context of De-Christianization and De-sacralization. A Missionary Perspective
Teofan MADA
The Limits of the Classical Culture and Philosophy Reception in “The Mystery of Theology”
Vasile-Doru FER
The Election of Matthias and the Completion of the Apostolic College (Acts 1, 15-26)
The Church History of the Episcopal See of Giula between Metropolitan Bishop Sofronie I (1641-1651) and the Archpastorship of His Holiness Father Bishop Sofronie II (1999-2007)
Casian RUŞEŢ
Metropolitan Andrei Șaguna and the Diocese of Caransebeș – People, Facts, Places
Gabriel PIȘTEA
The Opening Greeting and Response from the Pre-Anaforal Dialogue of the Divine Liturgy – Textual Evolution and Commentary
Alexandru LAZĂR
Shall All Be Saved? Current Orthodox Clarifications to Pope Francis’ Statements
Ioan-Simion HODEAN
The Inferiority Complex between Alfred Adler’s Individual Psychology and the Pathologies of Pride in Patristic Thought
Pr. Lect. Univ. Dr. Ioan Lazăr, Demian Tudor (1912-2001). Preotul, mărturisitorul și duhovnicul tinerilor teologi, Colecția Teologi arădeni 5, Editura Universității “Aurel vlaicu”, Arad, 2023, ISBN 978-973-752-940-4, 313 pp.
(Protosyngellos lect. dr. Nicolae M. Tang)
Pr. Prof. Univ. Dr. Cristinel Ioja, Pr. Conf. Univ. Dr. Caius Cuţaru, Pr. Lect. Univ. Dr. Adrian Murg, Protos. Lect. Univ. Dr. Iustin Popovici, Pr. Lect. Univ. Dr. Filip Albu (coordonatori), The Significance of Theology in Today’s Society and Culture, Editura Universităţii „Aurel vlaicu” din Arad, Arad, 2023, 615 pp. ISBN: 978-973-752-936-7
(Rev. Dr. Florin Ioan Gașpar)
David W. Congdon (ed.), Varieties of Christian Universalism: Exploring Four Views, Baker Academic a division of Baker Publishing Group, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2023, 175 pp.
(Rev. Deacon Alexandru Lazăr, PhD Candidate)
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