Vol. 45/ no. 3-4 (jul-dec)



Ioan Tulcan

The mission of theology: explaining, transmitting and preaching the dogmas


Petr B. Mikhaylov

The Eucharistic Sermon Today

Aristotle Papanikolaou

Tradition or Identity Politics: The Role of the ‘West’ in Contemporary Orthodox Theology

Alexey R. Fokin

Different Dogmatic Approaches to the Question of the Origin of Human Souls

Svetoslav Ribolov

A Review of Dogmatic Theology in Bulgaria during 20th century

Nicolae Moşoiu

The importance of a deeper understanding of the Orthodox Ordo of the Holy Mysterion of Baptism for the spiritual life

Adrian Murg

Magic in the New Testament: A Brief History of Research

Irini Christinakis Glaros

The Autonomous and Semi-Autonomous Regime of the Church of Crete



Theological Conference in Volos; The Fourth Congress of the Faculties of Orthodox Theology in Romania



The Acts of the Council of Constantinople of 553, With Related Texts on the Three Chapters Controversy (Translated Texts for Historians, 51.) Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2009

(Constantin Rus)

Chalcedon in Context: Church Councils 400-700. Edited by Richard Price, and Mary Whitby. Pp. VIII + 205. (Translated Tests for Historians, Contexts.) Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2009

(Constantin Rus)

Baptism in the Early Church: History, Theology, and Liturgy in the First Five Centuries, by Everett Ferguson. Pp. XXII + 953, Grand Rapids, Michigan and Cambridge, UK: Eerdmans, 2009

(Constantin Rus)

Nicéphore Blemmydès, OEuvres théologiques. Tome 1. Edited by Michel Stravou. Pp. 363. (Sources chrétiennes, 517), Paris, Les Éditions du Cerf, 2007

(Constantin Rus)

Rev. Ph. D. Ioan Chirilă, The Holy Bible – The Word of Words, Renaşterea Editions, Cluj – Napoca, 2010, 414 p.

(Lucian-Victor Baba)

Rev. Prof. Ph. D. Nicolae D. Necula, Tradition and Renewal in Liturgical Ministry, Vol. I, Editura Cuvântul Vieţii, Bucureşti, 2010, 211 p.

(Lucian Farcaşiu)

Lecturer Ph D. Florin Dobrei, The history of the ecclesiastic life of the Romanians in Hunedoara, Eftimie Murgu Publishing House, Reşiţa, 2010, 734 p.

(Cosmin Mirică)


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