Vol. 73/ no. 4 (oct.-dec.)

  CONTENT (here)


Dogmatic Theology and Philokalia in Romania under Communism

Rev. Prof. Cristinel Ioja, PhD


†Emilian Crişanul

Between East and West: Communism against the Romanian Orthodox Church

Cristinel Ioja

Directions in Orthodox Anthropology during the Communist Period in Romania

Ioan Tulcan

The Confessional Dimension of the Priestly and Didactic Ministry of Rev. Prof. Dr. Ilarion V. Felea Refl ected in His “Ziuarul personal” (Personal Diary) (1927-1956)

Teofan Mada

The “Active Resistance” of the Church in the Communist Era

Iustin Popovici

The Struggle to Maintain the Publication Biserica şi Şcoala at the Establishment of Communism in Romania. A Chronology of the Facts (1944-1950)

Lucian Farcaşiu

Priest Ioan Hornea from Arad in the Communist Prisons and His Confession

Nicolae M. Tang

Monks-Confessors of the Arad Diocese during the Communist Regime

Ioan Lazăr

Confessors of Orthodox Theology Faculty of Arad, Confessors of Faith during the Communist Era


Adrian Nicolae Petcu, Clerici şi teologi din Eparhia Aradului, în închisorile comuniste (1945-1964), Editura Arhiepiscopiei Aradului, Arad, 2017, 209 p.

(Nicolae M. Tang)

Perry T. Hamalis and Valerie A. Karras (eds.), Orthodox Christian Perspectives on War, University of Notre Dame Press, 2017, 384 pp.

(Traian Nojea)

Alexei V. Nesteruk, Lumina de la Răsărit. Teologie, ştiinţă şi tradiţie ortodoxă răsăriteană (Light from the East: Theology, Science, and the Eastern Orthodox Tradition), Editura Basilica, Bucharest, 2017, 460 p

(Vlad-Sergiu Sandu)

Elaine Pagels, Scripturile gnostice de la Nag Hammadi, Trad. by Walter Fotescu, Editura Herald, București, 2013, 238 p.

(Caius Claudius Cuţaru )
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