Author Archive

Vol. 53/ nr. 4 (oct-dec)


The Victory of the Church in the World

Rev. Prof. ThD. Ioan Tulcan



Darko Djogo

Serbian Neopatristic Theology (Some Aspects of History, Reception and Currents)

Nicodim Nicolăescu

Η διαμόρφωση του Ρουμανικού λαού, οι αρχές του Χριστιανισμού και μοναχισμού του

Ioan Moga

„Was ist Wahrheit?“ (Joh. 18, 38) – Der interreligiöse Dialog aus orthodoxer Sicht. Versuch einer systematischen Bestandaufnahme

Achilleas P. Dellopoulos

„Weibliche und männliche Vernunft“ Die Geschlechterdifferenzierung nach der Theologie von Cyrill von Alexandrien

Ştefan Negreanu

The Art of War under Leon VI the Wise

Adrian Murg

The Patristic Dimension of the Eastern Orthodox Approach to the Bible  

Gabriel Roman, Angela Enache, Rodica Gramma, Andrada Pârvu,

Ştefana Moisa, Silvia Dumitraş, Radu Chiriţă, Beatrice Ioan

Influence of spiritual values on some Roma attitudes towards hospitalization: a qualitative study



Adina Roşu

St. Cyprian’s Place in Christian Literature



Metropolitan Kallistos Ware, Orthodox Theology in the Twenty-First Century, Foreword by Pantelis Kalaitzidis, WCC Publications, Geneva, 2012, 52 p., ISBN: 978-2-8254-1571-9

(Ph.D. Ciprian Iulian Toroczkai)

Joseph Ratzinger, Gesammelte Schriften Band 10: Auferstehung und ewiges Leben. Beiträge zur Eschatologie und zur Theologie der Hoffnung, Herder, Freiburg-Basel-Wien, 2012, 761s., ISBN: 978-3-451-34121-2

(Ph.D. Ciprian Iulian Toroczkai)



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Vol. 52/ nr. 3 (iul – sept)

The Mission through Theological Culture within the Universities
Ass. Prof. ThD. Cristinel Ioja


Apostolos Nikolaidis
Kirche in diaspora: Soziologische Kommentare

Cristinel Ioja
Ioan Irineu Mihălcescu – Orthodox Apologetics Coordinates in Interwar Romania

Michael Welker
Ökumene und Pluralismus

Vasileios Anastasiou Gkrillas
The alteration of religions in the theological environment and the typologies in the theology of religions. Critical overview of the positions of Alan Race & Paul Hedges in «Christian Approaches to Other Faiths»

Cristian Prilipceanu
The Lord’s Resurrection Prophesized in the Psalms 67(68).2-4 and Ps. 118(117).24 The Patristic Reading of Psalm 67(68).2-4 and Ps. 118(117).24

Ioan C. Teşu
Troubles or “The Daily Cross” – “Sour Medicine” For the Health and the Salvation of the Soul

Lucian Farcaşiu
Theological and Liturgical Grounds for the Threefold Immersion Baptism and its Relevance to the Church



Pr. Dr. Adrian Murg, Soteriologia scrierilor lucanice, Editura Universităţii „Aurel Vlaicu” Arad, 2011, 326p., ISBN:978-973-752-579-6
(Rev. PhD. Sorin Cosma)

Daniel Lemeni, The Tradition of Spiritual Paternity in Eastern Christian Spirituality. A Survey on Spiritual Guidance in Late Christian Antiquity, Editura Reîntregirea, Alba Iulia, 2012, 333 p.
(PhD. Cristinel Ioja)

Albert Vanhoye, A Different Priest. The Epistle to the Hebrews, Series Rhetorica Semitica, Miami, Fl: Convivium Press, 2011, 450 p., ISBN: 978-1934996201
(Rev. PhD. Adrian Murg)

Wolfhart Pannenberg, What is Man? Present Anthropology in the Light of Theology, translated from German by Ioan Milea Herald Publishing, Bucharest, 2012, 194 p
(Alexandru Dan Adam)

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For downloand clik here „TEOLOGIA” – nr. 3/2012

Vol. 51/ nr. 2 (april-june)


Caius Cutaru

Secularism and Religious Spirit in Modern Times


Adolf Martin Ritter

Altchristliche Ethik zwischen Bibel und stoisch-platonischer Tugendlehre Eine Einfiihrung in die Lektiire vonm Clemens Alexandrinus Quis dives salvetur

Michael Welker

Das Genie des Paulus und sein Beitrag zur interdisziplinaren Anthropologie

Cristinel Ioja

Emilian Vasilescu – An Apologist of Orthodox Values in the Context of Interwar Society

Michael Kinnamon

The Theological Basis of Conciliar Ecumenism. International Consultation of National Councils of Churches (NCCs) and Regional Ecumenical Organizations (REOs) February 6-10, 2012

Baza teologica a ecumenismului sinodal (conciliar). Consultarea international a Consiliilor Nationale ale Bisericilor (CNB) si a organizatiilor regionale ecumenice (ORE) 6-10 februarie, 2012

Constantin Rus

Provisions of the Constitution of 1866, 1923 and 1938 on the religious ceremony of marriage



Adina Rosu

Maecenas: ipso suo facto

Gabriel Valeriu Basa

The Eastern Church in the 9th Century Theological Profile


Rev. Ph.D. Dumitru Meghesan, Jesus Prayer: Therapeutic Means of Mind Purification, Oradea, University Press, 2010, 277 p.

(Rev. Ph. D. Sorin Cosma)

Richard N. Longenecker, Introducing Romans: Critical Issues in Paul’s Most Famous Letter. Grand Rapids and Cambridge: Eerdmans, 2011. pap. XXVII + 490 p. ISBN 978-0-8028-6619-6.

(Rev. Ph. D. Adrian Murg)

David G. Bissias, The Mystery of Healing – Oil, Anointing, and the Unity of the Local Church, Orthodox Research Institute, Rollinsford, New Hampshire, 2008

(Rev. Ph. D. Lucian Farcasiu)

Rev. Prof. Ph.D. Ioan Tulcan, Ilarion V. Felea’s Contribution to the Development of Orthodox Dogmatic Theology, „Aurel Vlaicu” University Press, Arad, 2010, 283 p.

(Rev. Ciprian Salavastru)
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Vol. 50/ nr. 1 (ian-mar)


Ioan Tulcan

Holy Unction – Mystery of God’s Healing Mercy



Andreas Heiser

Johannes Chrysostomus und die Taufe – Tod, Grab und Auferstehung in spätantiker Perspektive

Eirini Christinaki–Glarou

The Principle of Legality in the Seventh Century A Parallel View in Byzantium and Islam

Vasile Vlad

Secularization – the Fundamental Feature of Modernity

Michael Nai-Chiu Poon

Loh I-to as Bridge-Builder: Communication and communion in the Asia Pacific

Liviu Petcu

στάσις and κίνησις. The mobile stability or the stable mobility of the man’s ascent towards God in St. Gregory of Nyssa

Simina-Carina Pascal

Introductory Notions into the Ontology of the Sacred

Caius Cuţaru

The intrareligios dialogue – the upper limit of the interreligious dialogue in the vision of Raimundo Panikkar. A critical analysis


Teofan Mada, Evanghelia în versiunea Hollywood. Iisus în cinema, „Vremi”, Cluj Napoca, 2010, 240 p.

(Ph.D. Stelian Gomboş)

Alexander Schmemann, Mother of God, translated by Cesar Login, Patmos Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, 117 p.

(Rev. Lucian Farcaşiu)

Michael Pomazansky, Orthodox Dogmatic Theology: A Concise Exposition, 3rd edition, Platina: St Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, 2005, 434 p.

(Rev. Adrian Murg)


Caius Cutaru & Cristinel Ioja

„Teologia” Magazine – a Research Platform in Continuous Ascent
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Vol. 49/ nr. 4 (oct-dec)



Ioan Tulcan

The Dynamics of the Theological Thinking and the Dialogue With the Modernity



Michael Welker

Vorbild – Gottes Bild – Lebendigmachender Geist: Wer ist Jesus Christus für Uns Heute?

Teofan Mada

Nature of Theology in Ernst Troeltsch’s Thought

Theodoros Alexopoulos

The Filioque-controversy in the 13th Century. A Collection of major Church Fathers’ citations advanced by the Byzantine Filioque-sup por ters (John Beccos and Konstantine Melitiniotes) in order to fortify their theological position. Conceptual consistency with Writers of the Latin West

Constantin Rus

Social Ideas in the Homilies of Saint Basil the Great

Marius Ţepelea

Historical aspects regarding conversion to Christianity in the primary Church

Kostantinos Fergadiotis

The origin and the significance of the frescoes paintings in Tel Kabri (N.Israel) in the Middle Bronze Age ( MBA) IIB

Marius-Mihai Ilca

Elements of Theology of Love in the Work of Dionysius the Areopagite The Dionysian Universe as Universe full of Love


Pr. Dr. Ioan Valentin Istrati, Taina veacurilor – unirea timpului cu eternitatea în rugăciunea Bisericii, Editura Doxologia, Iaşi, 2010, 518 p.;

(Rev. Lucian Farcaşiu)

Jean-Yves Leloup, Profunzimile uiate ale creştinismului. Convorbiri cu Karin André de Guise, tanslated by Gabriel Sandu, Editura Curtea Veche, Bucureşti, 2008, 191 p.

(Deac. Caius Cuţaru)

Mircea Păcurariu , Romanian Theological Culture, Editura Basilica a Patriarhiei Române, Bucureşti, 2009, 582p.

(Rev. Valeriu Gabriel Basa)


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