Author Archive

Vol. 73/ no. 4 (oct.-dec.)

  CONTENT (here)


Dogmatic Theology and Philokalia in Romania under Communism

Rev. Prof. Cristinel Ioja, PhD


†Emilian Crişanul

Between East and West: Communism against the Romanian Orthodox Church

Cristinel Ioja

Directions in Orthodox Anthropology during the Communist Period in Romania

Ioan Tulcan

The Confessional Dimension of the Priestly and Didactic Ministry of Rev. Prof. Dr. Ilarion V. Felea Refl ected in His “Ziuarul personal” (Personal Diary) (1927-1956)

Teofan Mada

The “Active Resistance” of the Church in the Communist Era

Iustin Popovici

The Struggle to Maintain the Publication Biserica şi Şcoala at the Establishment of Communism in Romania. A Chronology of the Facts (1944-1950)

Lucian Farcaşiu

Priest Ioan Hornea from Arad in the Communist Prisons and His Confession

Nicolae M. Tang

Monks-Confessors of the Arad Diocese during the Communist Regime

Ioan Lazăr

Confessors of Orthodox Theology Faculty of Arad, Confessors of Faith during the Communist Era


Adrian Nicolae Petcu, Clerici şi teologi din Eparhia Aradului, în închisorile comuniste (1945-1964), Editura Arhiepiscopiei Aradului, Arad, 2017, 209 p.

(Nicolae M. Tang)

Perry T. Hamalis and Valerie A. Karras (eds.), Orthodox Christian Perspectives on War, University of Notre Dame Press, 2017, 384 pp.

(Traian Nojea)

Alexei V. Nesteruk, Lumina de la Răsărit. Teologie, ştiinţă şi tradiţie ortodoxă răsăriteană (Light from the East: Theology, Science, and the Eastern Orthodox Tradition), Editura Basilica, Bucharest, 2017, 460 p

(Vlad-Sergiu Sandu)

Elaine Pagels, Scripturile gnostice de la Nag Hammadi, Trad. by Walter Fotescu, Editura Herald, București, 2013, 238 p.

(Caius Claudius Cuţaru )
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Vol. 72/ no. 3 (july-sept.)



Patriarch Justinian Marina (1901-1977) – A Providential Personality of the Romanian Orthodoxy

Rev. Prof. Ioan Tulcan, PdD.


HE Emilian Crișanul, Vicar Bishop of the Diocese of Arad

Faith and Theological Knowledge in the Book Acts of the Apostles

Caius Cuţaru

A Moment of the Christian – Islamic Inter-Religious Dialogue. The Sirian-Jacobit Patriarch, John I, in Dialogue with the Emire ʼAmr Ibn al-ʼAs (639 d. Hr.)

Teofan Mada

The Methodology of the “Original” Sin and Grace Dogmatics According to Blessed Augustine

Ştefan Negreanu

The Church of Ireland during the Viking Invasions from the 9th – 11th Centuries

Valentin Ilie

The Tzadik: Mystical Behaviour and Community Responsibility

Casian Rușeț

The Living Icon of Christ as A Paradigm of Justice

Vicențiu Românu

Patristic Fundamentals of the Dogmatic Thought of Father Justin Popovitch

Traian Nojea

Contemporary Challenges in Romanian Religious Education: Values – Norms – Legislation


Pr. Josiah B. Trenham, Căsătorie și feciorie în gândirea Sfântului Ioan Gură de Aur, trad. Lucian Filip, Editura Doxologia, Iași, 2016, 353 p.

(Stoienescu Teodor-Daniil)

Georgică Grigoriţă, Sfintele și Dumnezeieștile canoane: între tradiție eclezială și necesitate pastorală. O analiză a izvoarelor teologiei canonice în actualul context ecleziologic, Bucureşti, 2017, 432 p.

(Petru Ursulescu)

Ulrich Rudolph, Islamische Philosophie. Von den Anfängen bis zur Gagenwart (Islamic Philosophy. From Beginning until Today), C.H. Beck, München, 2013, 128 p.,

(Adrian Popa)
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Vol. 71/ no. 2 (apr.-june)



Theology of Icon in the 20th Century Neo-Patristic Synthesis
Rev. Cristinel Ioja


Ioan Tulcan
Elements of Orthodox Anthropology in Vladimir Lossky’s Thinking and Their Relevance to the Contemporary Man

Vasile Bîrzu
Scholastic Order vs Symbolic Order. Protestant Reform as Expression of a Language Crisis

Teofan Mada
Love as Principle of Knowledge in the Eastern Fathers

Vasile Vlad
From Slavery to the Freedom of the Will – An Exegesis to the Prodigal Son’s Parable from the Perspective of Moral Theology

Lucian Farcaşiu
Epiphanism in the Orthodox Worship and Its Relevance to the Church Theology and Life

Casian Rușeț
Legislation Regarding the Responsibility of the Employees of the Romanian Orthodox Church, Depending on Their Work Duties, during the Communist Regime (1948-1989)

Stelian Manolache
The Economic Globalisation and the Religious Mutation in the Post-Industrial Society – The Pseudo-Religious Meaning of the Global Economy

Teodor-Daniil Stoienescu
The Unity of the Church according to St. Cyprian of Carthage


Vasile Rojneac, Sfântul Niceta de Remesiana. Viaţa şi activitatea (Saint Nicetas of Remesiana. His life and activity), Cluj-Napoca, Cluj University Press, 2017, 330 pp.

(Răzvan Perşa)

Zachary Chitwood, Byzantine Legal Culture and the Roman Legal Tradition, 867-1056, Cambridge University Press, 2017, 248 pp.

(Traian Nojea)

Rev. Constantin Dron, The Current Value of the Canons, Editura Doxologia, Iaşi, 2016, 168 pp.

(Petru Ursulescu)
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Vol. 70/ no. 1 (ian. – mar.)



The Orthodox Dogmatic Theology in the 21st Century. A Decade of Inter-Orthodox Dialogue on Dogmatic Issues

Rev. Prof. Cristinel Ioja


Nicolae Moşoiu

Some Considerations Regarding the Lutheran Doctrine of Justification with Special Reference to Father Dumitru Stăniloaes View and to Two Important Documents

Cristian Sonea

The Issue of Women Ordination. A Challenge for Orthodox Theology in the 21st Century

Nicuşor Beldiman

An Overview of Romanian Sermon from the Beginnings to the 20th Century

Adrian Murg

The Benefits of Reading the Holy Scriptures, according to Saint John Chrysostom

Dieter Brandes

The Need for Reconciliation in Europe. Part II

Tiberiu Ardelean

Gheorghe Mandicevschi – Oratory -“And It Was at Six o’Clock”. A Theological and Musical Analysis

Vicenţiu Românu

Ecclesiological Aspects in the Theology of Father Justin Popovitch

Nicolae Preda

L’Hymnographie de la fete de la Nativite du Seigneur (reperes theologiques et liturgiques)   


Mark D. Chapman (ed.), Hope in the Ecumenical Future, Palgrave Macmillan, Oxford, 2017, 226 p.

(Traian Nojea)

Donald Bolen, Nicolas Jesson, Donna Geernaert, Towards Unity. Ecumenical Dialogue 500 Years after the Reformation, introduction by Cardinal Walter Kasper. New York/ Mahwah NJ, Paulist Press, 2017; 382 pp. (ISBN 987 0 8091 5349 7)

(Iuliu-Marius Morariu)

Rev. Associate Professor PhD Cristian Sonea, Missionary paradigms. From Edinburgh to the Council of Crete, Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2016, 248 pp.

(Casian Ruşeţ)
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Vol. 69/ no. 4 (oct.-dec.)

CONTENT (here)


The Specificity of Orthodox Theology in the University 25 Years of Orthodox Theological Education in Arad

by Rev. Prof. Cristinel Ioja


Caius Cuțaru
Desacralization and Resacralization in Mircea Eliade’s Vision

Sebastian Moldovan
Addictions and Orthodox Spirituality. Towards a Model of Human Behavior

Dieter Brandes
The Need for Reconciliation in Europe (Part I)

Daniel Lemeni
Holiness and Power: The Nature of Ecclesiastical Guidance in Early Byzantium

Iuliu-Marius Morariu
The Romanian Delegations to the Holy Pan-Orthodox Synod of Crete (2016) and to the its preliminary assemblies and their importance for theological discussions

Nicolae Preda
Le Trisagion pour les défunts (analyse historico-liturgique)

Traian Nojea
The Reformes of Pope Gregory VII (1073-1085): Some Canonical Considerations


Dr. Iustin Popovici, The Canonic Law of the Romanian Orthodox Church in force and its springs. Critical analysis based on the Holy Canons (Dreptul Canonic al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române în vigoare și izvoarele sale. Analiză critică pe baza Sfintelor Canoane) [Το ισχύον δικαίο της Ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας της Ρουμανίας και οι πηγές του. Κριτική Θεόριση επί τη βάσει των ιερών κανόνων], Grēgorē Publishing House, Athens, 2017, 230 p.

(Marcel Tang)

Michiel Decaluwe, Thomas M. Izbicki and Gerald Christianson (eds.), A Companion to the Council of Basel, Brill, Leiden, 2016, 556 p.

(Rev. Traian Nojea)
Paul Evdokimov, The Mystery of Love. The Holiness of Marital Union in the Light of the Orthodox Tradition, Bucureşti, Sophia Printing House, 2016, 247p.

(Vasile-Eugen Suciu)
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