Author Archive

Vol. 68/ no. 3 (jul.-sept.)



The Holy And Great Synod – Sinodality and Co-Responsibility in the Current World

by Rev. Prof. Cristinel Ioja, PhD


Benjamin Simon

Justice, Zedeka and Ubuntu –A Relational Understanding

Mihai Iordache

Faith, Divine Grace and Human Freedom in the Thinking of the Protestant Theologian Karl Barth

Daniel Alic

Church Personalities from the Diocese of Caransebeş Who Supported the Great Union

Olivia Andrei

Theological and Moral Principles as a Foundation for a Christian Education. The Vision of Paul Evdokimov (1901-1970)

Marcel Tang

St. Isaac the Syrian in the Spiritual and Experimental Consciousness of the Contemporary Athonite Fathers

Cosmin Santi

The State of The Souls between the Particular Judgement and the Universal Judgement according to the Orthodox Cult Books


Sorin Șelaru, Unity and Communion in the Church, Orthodox Ecclesiology Studies, Eikon Publishing, 2015, 235p.

(PhD student, Rev. Cristian Rădulescu)

Cristinel Ioja, Marcel Tang, Orthodox Theological Education in Arad. Itinerary. Forms. Perspectives, Publishing House of the Archdiocese of Arad, 2016, 298p.

(PhD student, Rev. Cristian Rădulescu)

Veronica della Dora, Landscape, Nature, and the Sacred in Byzantium, Cambridge University Press, 2016, 294 p.

(Daniel Lemeni)
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Vol. 67/ no. 2 (apr.-june.)



Principles of Youth Training in the Faculties of Orthodox Theology from Romania

by Rev. Cristinel Ioja



Sergey Trostyanskiy

Time and Eternity in Fifth-Century Oikonomic Thought: Cyril of Alexandria on the Only Begotten and the First Born

Ioan Tulcan

The Relationship between Tradition and Innovation in Romanian Orthodox Dogmatic Theology and the Place of Dogma in this Regard

Ioan C. Teșu

Teachings of St. Paisios of Mount Athos about Children’s Education

Cristinel Ioja

The Role of Emperor Constantine in the Dogmatic Disputes of the Fourth Century

Nicusor Beldiman

Anthropological and Eschatological Tenets in the Sermons of 20th-century Wallachian Preachers

Daniel Jugrin

AGNOSIA: The Apophatic Experience of God in Dionysius the Areopagite



Fr. Prof. Dr. Liviu Stan, Biserica și Dreptul. Studii de Drept Canonic Ortodox, vol. 6 (The Church and the Law, Studies of Orthodox Canon Law, vol.6), “Andreiana” Publishing House, “ASTRA” Museum Publishing House, Sibiu 2015, 440 p.

(Iachint Catalin Vardianu)

David Brakke, Andrew Crislip (eds.), Selected Discourses of Shenoute the Great: Community, Theology, and Social Conflict in Late Antique Egypt, Cambridge University Press, 2015, 326 p.

(Daniel Lemeni)

Hilarion Alfeyev, Taina credinței. Introducere în teologia dogmatică ortodoxă (The Mystery of Faith. Introduction in the Orthodox Dogmatic Theology), trad. Felicia Dumas, Doxologia Publishing House, Iasi, 2014, 380 p.

(Teodor-Daniil Stoienescu, Ph.D.)             124

Remus Rus, Sfânta Fecioară Maria în tradiția pioasă a creștinilor primelor veacuri (The Holy Virgin Mary in the Pious Tradition of the First Centuries’ Christians), Meteor Publishing House, Bucharest, 2015, 320p.

(Laurențiu-Victor Chilibaru)
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Vol. 66/ no. 1 (ian.-mar.)



Pleading for a closer collaboration between the school and the Church

by Rev. prof. Ioan Tulcan



Ciprian Streza

The Translation of Liturgical texts into the Oral Language within the 17th century Transylvanian Liturgical Tradition. The Emergence of the Romanian Euchologhion amid Culturally and Concessionally Challenged Times

Nicușor Beldiman

The Role of the Clergy in the Development of the Romanian Literary Language and in the Maintenance of the Conscience of National Unity through Sermon. Deacon Coresi, St. Metropolitan Bishop Varlaam of Moldavia, St. Hierarch Antim Ivireanul

Caius Cuțaru

Sittinā Maryam of the Muslims. Honouring the Virgin Mary in Islam

Ioan Tulcan

The Holy Sacraments – Means of Renewing the Life of Believers

Nicolae Moșoiu

God language – an Orthodox perspective in the context of the challenging Feminist Theology

Vasile Vlad

The Plurality of Ethics and the Unity of the Religious-Moral Values

Florea Ştefan

The Saint and the Genius

Daniel Lemeni

Narrating the Holy Man in Late Antiquity: The Case of Shenoute of Atripe

Traian Nojea

Secularization of Monastic Estates (1863). Some Legal – Historical Aspects


Reverend professor Alexander Schmemann, Preasfânta Fecioară Maria (Blessed Virgin Mary), Translated from English by Florin Caragiu, Basilica Press, Bucharest, 2014, 114 p.

(Archid. Ph.D. Caius Cuțaru)

Priest Theodore Papanicolaou, The Vision of Death in the Light of the Holy Fathers of the Church, published in France on April 2nd, 2015 by Parole et Silence publishing house in Paris, was translated from French into Romanian by Paula Ilas, Doxologia Publishing House, 2016, Iași with the blessing of His Eminence Teofan, Archbishop of Iasi and Metropolitanof Moldova and Bucovina

(Rev. Ph.D. Stud. Sergiu Nicolae Succurro)

Rev. Ioan Leonardo Atudorei, Anthropocentrism and Theocentricism in the Works of Father Dumitru Stăniloae, Iași, Doxologia Publishing House, 2014, 233 p.

(Rev. Ph.D Stud. Achim Alin Nicușor)

Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh, Asceticism and Marriage, Translation from English by Dragoş Dâscă, book printed with the blessing of His Eminence Teofan, Metropolitan of Moldavia and Bucovina Romanian Orthodox Church, “Doxologia” Publishing House, Iaşi, 2014

(Ph.D. Stud. Chilibaru Laurenţiu-Victor)

Vladimir Lossky, Orthodox Theology: An Introduction, 2nd Edition, edited by Sophia, Bucharest, 2014, 214 p.

(Ph.D. Stud. Vasile Eugen Suciu)

J.-M. Abd-El-Jalil, Marie et lʼIslâm, suivi de Vues musulmanes sur les origines chrétiennes, Éditions Feuilles, Paris, 2014, 96 p.

(Archid. Ph.D. Caius Cuțaru)

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Vol. 65/ no.4 (oct-dec)



by Cristinel Ioja & Daniel Buda


Adolf Martin Ritter

Johannes Chrysostomus – der Prediger als Seelsorger

Martin Illert

„Ein Feuer, das die Geltungssucht entfacht hat“. Johannes Chrysostomos als Seelsorger am Beispiel der Rede De vana gloria et de educandis liberis

Andreas Heiser

„Die Tugendhaften … sind aus unserer Mitte verschwunden“  – Zur Ekklesiologie des Johannes Chrysostomus

Demetrios E. Tonias

Models of Virtue: Patriarchs and Prophets in the Sermons of John Chrysostom

Adrian Podaru

John Chrysostom as pastoral authority

Vasile Vlad

Jesus Christ – The Absolute Criterion of the Moral Life. The Theandric Aspect

Lucian Farcaşiu

The Sanctity of Priest’s Life – a Determining Factor for an Accomplished Mission in the Parish. St. John Chrysostom’s Vision

Adrian Murg

The Work of the Holy Spirit in Prayer, according to Romans 8, 12-27


Priest Professor Gheorghe I. Drăgulin PhD, The Academician Professor Priest Dumitru Stăniloae – Confessor of the true faith at home and abroad, Publisher Basilica, 2015, 168 p

(Paul Sebastian Orădan)

Bishop Alexander Golitzin, Mystagogy: A Monastic Reading of Dionysius Areopagita, translated by Nectarie Dărăban, Deisis PrintingHouse, Sibiu, 2015, 517 p.

(Ioan-Alexandru Stoienescu)

Ilarion Alfeyev, Metropolitan of Volokolamsk, The Mystery of Faith, Introduction to Orthodox Dogmatic Theology, Iași, Doxologia PublishingHouse, 2014, 380 p.

(Achim Alin Nicușor)

Archimandrite Zacharias Zaharou, The Hidden Man of theHeart (1 Peter 3: 4), paper printed with the blessing of His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, “Basilica” PublishingHouse, Bucharest, 2014, ISBN 978-606-8495-53-8; Translated from English by monk Tecla; Foreword by His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of Romania

(Laurenţiu-Victor Chilibaru)

Juan Pedro Monferrer Sala, Creștinătatea arabă orientală (The Arabic Oriental Christianity), translated by Anca-Irina Ionescu, Vremea PrintingHouse, Bucharest, 2016, 80 p.

(Archid. Ph.D. Caius Cuțaru)

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Vol. 64/ no. 3 (jul.-sept.)

CONTENT (here)


Parish space under the pressure of social and religious metamorphoses

by Rev. prof. Cristinel Ioja, PhD



Ioan Tulcan

Missionary Priorities of the Church in the Vision of Theologians from Arad: Petru Deheleanu and Ilarion V. Felea

Alexandru Mălureanu

The report between spiritual son and the person counseled in the perspective of Metanoia and Katharsis

Roger Coresciuc

New paradigms of New-Social-Media communication

Ștefan Negreanu

The Cultural and Spiritual revival of the Anglo-Saxons during the Reign of King  Alfred the Great

Remus Mihai Feraru

Mission chrétienne et confession de la foi au VIIe siècle: Saint Maxime le Confesseur et la politique religieuse des empereurs de la dynastie des Héraclides

Tiberiu Ardelean

Choir master. Personality conduction and vocation

Augustin Mureşan, Călina Popovici, Ioan Popovici

The Historical and Religious Significance of Some Representations from the Current Arad Territorial Heraldry

Ioan Lazăr

The Unity between the Dogma, Spirituality and Cult and the Relevance of this One for the Orthodox Gnosiology



Liturghia Bisericii din Sarum

(Tradusă de Drd. Ionuţ Blidar)



Moisés Silva (ed.), New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology and Exegesis, 2nd ed., 5 vols., Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2014, 3635 pp.,

(Rev. Adrian Murg)

Cezar Login, LEITOURGIA, Teologie și practică liturgică – studii –, Editura Renașterea, Cluj-Napoca, 2014, 191 p.

(Rev. Lucian Farcașiu)
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