Author Archive

Vol. 63/ no. 2 (apr – june)



The presence of Islam in Europe. New challenges for contemporary Christianity

Caius Cutaru


Adrian Murg

The Soteriological Aspect of Jesus’Death, in the Writings of St. Luke the Evangelist. An Analysis From the Perspective of Textual and Narrative Criticism

Peter-Ben Smit

Hermeneutics in The Church. Towards a Common Vision

Daniel Lemeni

The Way of the Desert in Early Christian Egypt

Stefan Negreanu

The Ecclesiastical and Monastic Reform in England during the Tenth Century

Teofan Mada

True religion fundamentals in the thinking of St. John Chrysostom

Mircea Buta

Variety and consistency in composing works for mixed choir: Our Father, Psalm I and Psalm 65 by Father Gheorghe Soima

Iuliu-Marius Morariu

The Eucharistic Anaphora of the First Three Centuries of Christianity and its Importance for Contemporary Theology

Catalin Varga

The Expression „A New Heaven and a New Earth” in the Theology of Saint Peter the Apostle


Dennis Okholm, Dangerous Passions, Deadly Sins: Learning from the Psychology of Ancient Monks, Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press, 2014, 221 pp.

(Rev. Adrian Murg)

Fr. Mircea Basarab, Scripture and Tradition The Importance and Receiving of the Scriptural Text in Church History, Basilica Publishing House, 2015, Bucharest, 164 pp.

(Ph.D. Stud. Ioan-Alexandru Stoienescu)

Rev. Prof. Ph. D. Andrew Louth, Introducing Eastern Orthodox Theology, trad. Dragos Mirsanu, Doxologia Printing House, Iasi, 2014, 279 pp.

(Ph.D. Stud. Teodor-Daniil Stoienescu)

Hyeromonk Calinic (Berger), Theognosia – the dogmatic and spiritual synthesis of the Father DumitruStaniloae, Deisis Publishing House, 2014, 462 pp.

(Deacon PhD. Stud. Paul- Sebastian Oradan)

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Vol. 62/ no. 1 (ian.-mar.)

CONTENT (here)



The Missionary Dimension of the Orthodox Theological Faculties

Cristinel Ioja



Mircea Buta

Commentary on the written chorale works, harmonized and arranged by Fr. Univ.Prof. Dr. Nicu Moldoveanu, published in Choral Anthology, Religious and Secular, for Mixed Formations – Bucharest 2006

Alexandru Mălureanu

The relationship between Confession and Psychological counseling in the perspective of communication and spiritual communion

Lucian Farcașiu

Theological Grounds Regarding the Communion as the Purpose of the Liturgy in the Vision of Theologian Alexandre Schmemann

Vlăducu Viorel-Ion

The successors of the Apostles in the early Church

Paul-Tiberiu Ardelean

The Evolution of the Art of conducting in the Choral Church Music from the West of the Country. The conducting and interpretative Style of Athanasius Lipovan

Adina-Voichița Roșu

Bioethical Issues in Artificial Intelligence

Cosmin Santi

Der kanonische wert der malerei im orthodox, ekklesiastischen raum

Vladislav Topalovic

Justin Popovic als Exeget

Daniel Lemeni

Father Dumitru Stăniloae – the Promoter of Neo-Patristic Thoughtin Romanian Theology



Rodney J. Decker, Reading Koine Greek: An Introduction and Integrated Workbook, Grand Rapids: Baker, 672 pp.

(Adrian Murg)


Rev. Ilarion V. Felea, The Parables of the Savior for Little and Grown, for the Learned and Unlearned, edited by Justin Pârvu Foundation, April 2014, 264 p.

(Ciprian Petru Sălăvăstru)
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Vol. 61/ no. 4 (oct.-dec.)



Romanian University Theological learning, at an insight watch

by Rev. Ioan Tulcan (Dean of Orthodox Theology Faculty of Arad)


Constantin Rus

Confession and Repentance. Some canonical remarks

Teofan Mada

The Martyrdom: an important aspect of early christian Eschatology

Alexandra Malureanu

Opportunities for sharing, exchanging experiences and mutual learning in Pastoral Counselling of the sick

Paul-Tiberiu Ardelean

Religious song in the western part of the country – specific particularities and accents in Trifon Lugojan vision

Mircea Buta

Church Music – Doxological Structure with Eucharistic Purpose

Mihai Brie

Gedanken iiber das Werk des Ordenspriesters Macarie

Lucian Farcasiu

The Connection between the Sacrament of Confession and the Holy Communion. A Biblical, Patristic and Liturgical-Pastoral Evaluation

Mititelu Catalina

„Corpus Juris Civilis” and „Corpus Juris Canonici”. Legal and Canonical Considerations

Cosmin Santi

Vocation and Spiritual Qualities of Priest, Canon Condition for the Effective Pastoral Missionary Work

Caius Cutaru

A Great Father of the Church in Dialog with Islam: Saint John of Damascus


Blessed Jerome, Homilies on the Gospel of Mark. Various Homilies, translation from Latin, introduction and notes by Alin-Bogdan Mihailescu, Bible Institute and Orthodox Mission Publisher, Bucharest, 2014, 199 p.

(Ioan-Alexandru Stoienescu)

Fr. Dr. Lucian Petroaia, Hieratikon, Treasure of Orthodox Culture and Spirituality, Editura Arhiepiscopiei Dunarii de Jos, Galati, 2014, 526 p.

(rev. Lucian Farcasiu)

Vol. 60/ no. 3 (jul. – sept.)

CONTENT (here)


Interreligious dialogue – a paradigm of modernity

Arhid. Ph.D. Caius Cuţaru


Lev Smith

Can War Ever be Just? Light from the Christian East

Alexandra Malureanu

The meaning, the relevance and the necessity of Pastoral counseling in the conceptual perspective



Mihai Brie

Perioden, Prinzipien und Tonarten in der bysantinischen Musik in die Rumaniche Orthodoxe Kirche

Florin Dobrei

Reference points of the atheist communist persecution against the Orthodox Church in Romania between 1945-1989

Roger Coresciuc

L’exegese patristique, l’iconographie et l’hymnographie – sources essentielles de la predication contemporaine dans la conception du Pr. Prof. Dr. Dumitru Belu

Stefan Negreanu

The Christianization of the Anglo-Saxons Saint Gregory the Great and Saint Augustine

Cosmin Santi

L’amour chretien, de la vertu et de la Valeur dans une societe mondialisee


Ware, A. Bruce, The Man Christ Jesus: Theological Reflection on the Humanity of Christ Crossway, Wheaton, IL, 2013, ISBN 13-978-1-4335-1305-3

(Rev. Ph.D. Adrian Murg)

Rev. Prof. Ph. D. Stefan Buchiu, Apophatic Knowledge of Father Staniloae’s Thinking, Second edition, revised, Basilica Publishing House, Bucharest, 2013, 240 p

(Ph.D. Stud. loan V. Geoldes)

Ion Bria, Mission and ecumenism studies, translated from English by Daniel Buda, editors and coordinators Aurel Pavel and Daniel Buda, Astra Museum Print, 2013, 272 p.

(Ph. D. stud. Razvan Emanuel Fibişan)

Dumitru Staniloae, Culture and spirituality. Articles published in The Romanian Telegraph (1930-1936), edited, introduction and notes by Ion-Dragos Vladescu, Basilica Publishing House, Bucharest, 2012, 909 p.

(Ph.D. Alexandru Dan Adam)

Vol. 59/ no. 2 (apr-june)

CONTENT (here)


The Holy Eucharist – Sacrament of Faith and of the Unity of the Church

Rev. Prof. Ioan Tulcan


Arhim. Teofan Mada

Vision and Discernment to Parents Paterikon

Rev. Patriciu Vlaicu

La presence des cultes dans les institutions publiques de la societe roumaine entre 1989 et 2006

Ciprian Iulian Toroczkai, Daniela Preda

Crime and Suicide – Heights of Nihilism in the Thinking of F.M. Dostoevsky

Catalina Mititelu

The Cooperation Protocol on Social Inclusion, Concluded between the Government of Romania and the Romanian Patriarchate. Juridical and Canonical Considerations

Mircea Buta

An overview of the similarities of the intonational essences between
Dimitrie Cuntanu’s and Trifon Lugojan’s religious voices

Nicuşor Tucă

The Theology of Redemption Mirrored in the Byzantine Hymns

Rev. Gabriel Valeriu Basa

Limitation Attempts on the National Consciousness of Romanians in the Austian-Hungarian Empire Recorded in some Romanian Gazettes in the Ardeal Region

Rev. Florin Dobrei

Reference points of the Transylvanian Christianity between the 2nd-13th centuries


Warren Carter, Seven Events That Shaped the New Testament World, Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2013, xxi + 162 p.

(Rev. Ph.D. Adrian Murg)

Maria Ivanis-Frentiu, Aspecte ale limbajului liturgic romanesc, Editura Casa Cartii de Stiinta Publishing house, Cluj-Napoca, 2013

(Rev. Ph.D Lucian Farcasiu)

Pere Gheorghios Metallinos, Le rôle et le travail de l’Orthodoxie d’aujourd’hui, traduit par le Pere Constantin Petrachi, Editure Egumenita, Galati, 2014, 104 p.

(Ph. D. student Razvan Emanuel Fibisan)

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