Author Archive

Vol. 58/ no. 1 (ian-mar)



Catastrophes, decadences, dramas and crisis in the Church History

V. Rev. Prof. Dr. Cristinel Ioja, V. Rev. Lecturer Dr. Daniel Buda


Bish. Nicodim Nicolăescu

The Catastrophic Effects of Decree 410/1959 on Monasticism in Communist Romania

Adolf Martin Ritter

Katastrophen und ihre Bewältigung im Leben und Denken

Guy Liagre

Le vertige de la pensée Européenne et quelques effets de la Grande Guerre pour le protestantisme Belge

Peter Ben Smit

Die Dekadenz der Anderen: Luxuria zwischen Ost und West

Andreas Heiser

„Die Erde hat geschwankt, aber sie steht noch immer.“Theologische Kontingenzbewältigung im spätantiken Antiochien

Gabriel-Viorel Gârdan

The Drama of the Romanian Orthodox Diaspora in North America during the Instauration of the Communist Regime in Romania

Caius Cuţaru

From historical event to reflection upon history. St. Augustine and the birth of the Theology of history

Daniel Buda

Christian Churches and the Actual Economic Crisis – a Few Reflections


Doohee Lee, Luke-Acts and `Tragic History`. Communicating Gospel with the World, Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2. Reihe, 346, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2013, 310 p., ISBN 978-3-16-152551-3

(Rev. Lecturer Dr. Daniel Buda)

Saint Justin Popovich, Les abîmes de la pensée et le sentiment humains. Études théologiques, traduit par Priest Dr. Gabriel Mândrilă et Laura Mândrilă, Editure Sophia/Metafraze, Bucharest, 2013, 438 p.

(Ph. D. student Răzvan Emanuel Fibişan)

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Vol. 57/ no. 4 (oct.-dec.)

CONTENTS   (here)


The religious man as a total man

(Deac. Phd. Caius Cuţaru)


Bish. Nicodim Nicolaescu

The Perpetual Virginity of Theotokos (Aeiparthene-Virgo Perpetua)

Grigorios D. Papathomas

Christianity and Human Rights before and after the Canon 8/VIIth.

The Christian and the „other”, the „any other” (Gal 5: 15)

Viorel Sava

Participation at the Divine Liturgy – personal necessity and ecclesial
event – in the theological reflection of Father Professor Ene Braniste

Eva Maria Synek

1700 Jahre „Mailander Vereinbarung”

Viorel Cristian Popa

Some Interests of Saint Basil the Great in the Old Testament

Emilian-Iustinian Roman

Roman and Christian Law. Reminiscences of the Roman legal

order in Eastern Church legislation

Iulian Mihai L. Constantinescu

The Interpretation of Canon 3 of the 1st Ecumenical Synod

in Nicaea (325) and Its Actuality in the Life of the Church

Dorina Popescu

Stefan Augustin Doinas – Between Faith and Reason or outline

for a Poiesis of the Psalms

Cosmin Santi

Ontological Dimension of Death in the Light of the Orthodox Hymnographi

Daniel Buda

Aspects of Demonology in the text „On The Belly-Myther”
of Endor by St. Eustatius of Antioch


Graham Stanton, Studies in Matthew and Early Christianity (edited by Markus Bockmuehl and David Lincicum), Wissenschaftliche Untersuc-hungen zum Neuen Testament 309, Mohr Siebeck, Tubingen, 2013, 483 p. ISBN 978-3-16-152583-8

(Rev. Ph.D. Daniel Buda)

 Bishop Daniel Stoenescu, Epicleses – Thoughts, Reflections, Meditations, Invierea Publishing House, Vrsac, 2012, 316 p.

(Rev. PhD. Sorin Cosma)

 PhD. Rev. Florin Dobrei, The Theological Journal „Altarul (Mitropolia) Banatului (1944-1947, 1951-2011) – Monographic Highlights, Romanian Academy, Centre for Transylvanian Studies, Invierea Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca – Timisoara, 2013, 719 p.

(Rev. PhD. Sorin Cosma)

Jean-Claude Larchet, L’Eglise corps du Christ I. Nature et structure, (trad. Church Christ’s Body. I. Nature and structure), Les Editions du Cerf, Paris, 2012, 255 p.

(Ph. D. student Ioan V. Geoldes)

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Vol. 56/ no. 3 (jul – sept)

C O N T E N T S  (view here)


(The Fourth International Symposium of the Orthodox Dogmatist Theologians Association in Sofia (Bulgaria)

(Ioan Tulcan)


 Bish. Lucian Mic

 Saints Emperor Constantine and Empress Helena – Apostles of Christianity. The Edict of Milan (313 A.D.)

  Dietrich Werner

 Ökumenisch-Theologische Bildung als strategische Priorität für die Weltchristenheit im 21. Jahrhundert

  Ioan Tulcan

 The Church Communion after the image of the Trinitarian Communion and its importance for the mission of the Church in the world

  Peter-Ben Smit

 A Note on Early Christian Associations and the Development of Offices in Early Christianity

  Mihai Brie

 Aspekte Hinsichtlich des Kirchengesangs in der Moldau bis zur mitte des XIX Jahrhunderts

  Caius Cuţaru

 Christianity and Greco-Roman polytheism in the fourth century. The role of Emperor Constantine the Great in the imposition of Christianity

  Lucian Farcaşiu

 The Contribution of Rev. Prof. Ene Branişte to the Development of the Romanian Liturgical Theology

  Daniel Buda

„God of Life” by St. John Chrysostom and St. Augustin


 Anastasios (Yannoulatos), Archbishop of Tirana and All Albania, Mission in Christ’s Way: Theological Studies And Omilies, Introductory Letter of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, Romanian translation by Ştefan L. Toma, Andreiana Publishing House, Sibiu, 2013, 296 p.

(Ph.D. stud. Vasile Prodea)

Rev. Ph.D. Pavel Vesa, Învăţământul Teologic de la Arad (1822-1948), Editura Episcopiei Devei şi Hunedoarei, Deva, 2013,     531 pages + 48 photos

(Rev. Ph.D. Sorin Cosma)

Daniel B. Wallace, ed., Revisiting the Corruption of the New Testament: Manuscript, Patristic and Apocryphal Evidence. Text and Canon of the New Testament, Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2011, 284 p.

(Adrian Murg)

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Vol. 55/ no. 2 (apr. – june)

C O N T E N T S  (view here)


Assuming the culture of the world according to the model of Jesus Christ


(Cristinel Ioja)



Andreas Heiser

Basilius von Caesarea – Krankenpfl ege zwischen den Fronten?


 Ioan Tulcan

Die Heiligkeit und Heiligung in der orthodoxen Theologie


 Adrian Lemeni

Le principe de l’indétermination dans la physique quantique et ses implications épistémologiques


 Gérald Tilkin

Quelles confessionnalités pour les cimetières en Roumanie?


 Cristinel Ioja

Baptism and its ecclesial-existential implications in the post-modern world


 Ion Croitoru

The Cosmos (the World) as Church in the Making


 Evi Voulgaraki-Pissina

Mission and Evangelism in Modern Greece. A Selective Guide through Major Missionary Initiatives in the 20th and 21st Century


 George Grigoriu

Spiritual evolution from communication to impartment in Vasile Voiculescu’s work


 Daniel Buda

Rural Spirituality – nutrition for the soul. An Orthodox perspective based on Romanian realities and historical sources




Cristinel Ioja, A History of Dogmatics in Romanian Orthodox Theology: From the Beginnings of the Seminary Theological Education in Romanian to the Establishment of Communism, volume II, Bucharest:Pro Universitaria, 2013, 622 p., ISBN 978-606-647-624-9


(Rev. Ph.D. Adrian MURG)

Deacon Caius Cuţaru, „Homo religiosus” in Mircea Eliade’s vision, Cluj University Press, Cluj-Napoca, 2013, 375 p.


(Rev. Ph.D. Lucian FARCAŞIU)

Larry R. Helyer, The Life and Witness of Peter, Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 2012, 329 pp, ISBN-13: 978-0-8308-3982-7


(Rev. Ph.D. Adrian MURG)

Coord. Zoe Petre, Alexandra Liţu, Cătălin Pavel, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Mythology. Gods. Heroes. Myths, Corinthian Publishing, Bucharest, 2011, 383 p.


(Deac. Ph.D. Caius CUŢARU)

Miloşevici S. Nenad, Divine Liturgy – center of the Orthodox cult: Indissoluble link of the divine sacraments whit the Divine Eucharist,translated by rev. Ioan Ică sr., Deisis Publishing, Sibiu, 2012, 237 p.ISBN: 978-973-7859-85-3


(Alexandru Dan ADAM)
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Vol. 54/ nr. 1 (ian-mar)


St. Constantine the Great and Christianity

Deac. Caius Cutaru, PhD.


Daniel Buda

God of Life lead us to justice and peace. An Orthodox Interpretation of the 10th World Council of Churches (WCC) Assembly Theme from Biblical Perspective

Nicodim Nicolăescu

Ο Ησυχασμός και ο Νεοησυχασμός στη Ρουμανία

Dimitrios Ţelenghidis

Credinţa ortodoxă şi viaţa bisericească

Ioan Tulcan

Beyond the B.E.M. document (Lima 1982). Possible contributions of Orthodoxy to overcoming the ecumenical impasse

Eirini Christinaki-Glarou

Η «εις ύψος αναδρομή» της κκλησιαστικής οικονομίας και η «εξ ύψους συγκατάβαση» της Θείας Οικονομίας στο μυστήριο της Μετανοίας. Η οιονεί ταυτοσημία «οικονομίας» και «διακριτικής ευχέρειας» κατά την εξατομίκευση των επιτιμίων

Constantin Rus

The Diaconate in the Ages of the Apostolic Fathers

Teofan Mada

Spiritual Fatherhood in the Tradition of Desert Fathers

Cristian Petcu

The Sacrament of Confession: Canonical Aspects


The Faculty of Theology „Ilarion V. Felea” Arad – Excellence in the Development of the Orthodox Dogmatic

(Rev. Lucian Farcasiu, PhD.)



Rev. Ph. D. Lucian Farcaşiu, The Theology of the Hymns of the Great Feasts of Our Saviour Jesus Christ – fi xed feast, „Aurel Vlaicu” University Press, Arad, 2012, 460 p.

(Rev. Ph.D. Sorin Cosma)

Stanley E. Porter and Cynthia Long Westfall (eds.) Empire in the New Testament. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2011, Hardback, 305 p. ISBN: 978-1-60899-599-8

(Rev. Ph.D. Adrian Murg)

 Panayotis Nellas, Christ, God`s Justice and our Correctness – for an orthodox soteriology, Deisis, Sibiu 2012, 362 p

(Răzvan Emanuel Fibişan)
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