Vol. 56/ no. 3 (jul – sept)

C O N T E N T S  (view here)


(The Fourth International Symposium of the Orthodox Dogmatist Theologians Association in Sofia (Bulgaria)

(Ioan Tulcan)


 Bish. Lucian Mic

 Saints Emperor Constantine and Empress Helena – Apostles of Christianity. The Edict of Milan (313 A.D.)

  Dietrich Werner

 Ökumenisch-Theologische Bildung als strategische Priorität für die Weltchristenheit im 21. Jahrhundert

  Ioan Tulcan

 The Church Communion after the image of the Trinitarian Communion and its importance for the mission of the Church in the world

  Peter-Ben Smit

 A Note on Early Christian Associations and the Development of Offices in Early Christianity

  Mihai Brie

 Aspekte Hinsichtlich des Kirchengesangs in der Moldau bis zur mitte des XIX Jahrhunderts

  Caius Cuţaru

 Christianity and Greco-Roman polytheism in the fourth century. The role of Emperor Constantine the Great in the imposition of Christianity

  Lucian Farcaşiu

 The Contribution of Rev. Prof. Ene Branişte to the Development of the Romanian Liturgical Theology

  Daniel Buda

„God of Life” by St. John Chrysostom and St. Augustin


 Anastasios (Yannoulatos), Archbishop of Tirana and All Albania, Mission in Christ’s Way: Theological Studies And Omilies, Introductory Letter of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, Romanian translation by Ştefan L. Toma, Andreiana Publishing House, Sibiu, 2013, 296 p.

(Ph.D. stud. Vasile Prodea)

Rev. Ph.D. Pavel Vesa, Învăţământul Teologic de la Arad (1822-1948), Editura Episcopiei Devei şi Hunedoarei, Deva, 2013,     531 pages + 48 photos

(Rev. Ph.D. Sorin Cosma)

Daniel B. Wallace, ed., Revisiting the Corruption of the New Testament: Manuscript, Patristic and Apocryphal Evidence. Text and Canon of the New Testament, Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2011, 284 p.

(Adrian Murg)

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