Vol. 64/ no. 3 (jul.-sept.)

CONTENT (here)


Parish space under the pressure of social and religious metamorphoses

by Rev. prof. Cristinel Ioja, PhD



Ioan Tulcan

Missionary Priorities of the Church in the Vision of Theologians from Arad: Petru Deheleanu and Ilarion V. Felea

Alexandru Mălureanu

The report between spiritual son and the person counseled in the perspective of Metanoia and Katharsis

Roger Coresciuc

New paradigms of New-Social-Media communication

Ștefan Negreanu

The Cultural and Spiritual revival of the Anglo-Saxons during the Reign of King  Alfred the Great

Remus Mihai Feraru

Mission chrétienne et confession de la foi au VIIe siècle: Saint Maxime le Confesseur et la politique religieuse des empereurs de la dynastie des Héraclides

Tiberiu Ardelean

Choir master. Personality conduction and vocation

Augustin Mureşan, Călina Popovici, Ioan Popovici

The Historical and Religious Significance of Some Representations from the Current Arad Territorial Heraldry

Ioan Lazăr

The Unity between the Dogma, Spirituality and Cult and the Relevance of this One for the Orthodox Gnosiology



Liturghia Bisericii din Sarum

(Tradusă de Drd. Ionuţ Blidar)



Moisés Silva (ed.), New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology and Exegesis, 2nd ed., 5 vols., Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2014, 3635 pp.,

(Rev. Adrian Murg)

Cezar Login, LEITOURGIA, Teologie și practică liturgică – studii –, Editura Renașterea, Cluj-Napoca, 2014, 191 p.

(Rev. Lucian Farcașiu)
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