Vol. 75/ no. 2 (apr.-june)

CONTENT (here)


For a Dialogue between Theology-Philosophy-Science. An Orthodox Theological Approach

Rev. Prof. Cristinel Ioja, PhD


Georgică Grigoriță

Precedence vs Primacy in the Church: A Canon Law Approach

Martin Illert

Orthodoxie und Reformation

Adrian Lemeni

The Relationship between the Natural and the Supernatural of the Iconic Ontology Reflected in the Reciprocity between Reason and Faith Landmarks of Father Dumitru Staniloae’s Theology

Vasile Vlad

Ideology and Totalitarianism in Modernity

Lucian Farcasiu

The Prayer Uttered in Alba Iulia on December 1, 1918. An Approach from the Perspective of the Liturgical Theology

Nicolae Preda

“Kutia in Remembrance of the Dead” – that is “Koliva Tradition done in Remembrance of the Dead”

Nicolae M. Tang

Obedience as Dialogue – The Basic Principle of Monastic Life

Remus Mihai Feraru

The Religious Politics of Emperor Heraclius (610-641) in regards to Non-Chalcedonians: Between Reconciliation and Constraint

Stelian Ionașcu

Original Scores from the Religious Creation of Composer Paul Constantinescu


Ignace Berten, Les divorces remarries peuvent-ils communier? Enjeux ecclesiaux des desbats autour du Synode sur la famille er d’Amoris laetitia (La Part-Dieu), Namur, Lessius, 2017, 365 p.

(Constantin Rus)

Evagrie Ponticul, Scolii la Pilde și Ecclesiast [Evagrios Of Pontus, Scholia on Proverbs and on Ecclesiastes], Traducere din limba greacă veche, introducere și note de Ierom. Agapie CORBU, Editura Institutului Biblic și de Misiune Ortodoxă, București, 2017, 223 p.

(Nicolae M. Tang)

Saint Justin Popovici, Calea cunoașterii lui Dumnezeu [The Way of the Knowledge of God], translation from serbian language by the nun Domnica Jalea, The Egumenița Publishing House, 2014, 384 p.

(loan Lazăr)
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