Vol. 80/ nr. 3 (jul.-sept.)



Nicodim Munteanu: Monk, Translator, Patriarch

Rev. Adrian Murg, PhD. 


Silviu NATE, Daniel BUDA

Eastern European Geopolitics and Ecclesial Autocephaly for The Ukrainian Orthodox Church: A Hard Way for Ukraine

Nicolae V. DURĂ

Decisions of the “Holy and Great Council”, Held in Crete (Greece, June 16-26, 2016), on Marriage

Cristinel IOJA

Mistery of Christ in the Life of the Saints – Reflections on the Confession of Faith


Trinitarian and Anthropological Personalism in Father Stăniloae’s View and its Significance to the Contemporary Man

Viorel-Cristian POPA

The Apologetics of Faith. The Attitude of the Maccabees towards Hellenism


A Postponed Point of View on the Final Documents regarding Peace, Justice, Aversion of War and Discrimination, provided by the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church (2016)


Emil Monţia – Hearty Transylvanian Folklorist and Carol – Picker

Daniel ALIC

Protopresbyter Ioan Oprea of Timişoara and His Contribution to the Romanian National Movement from Banat

Valentin Ionuţ MOŞOIU

The Contribution of Father Professor Ion Bria to the Development of the Romanian Missionary Theology in the 20th Century


Avva Iosif HAZZAYA, văzătorul de Dumnezeu, Scrieri duhovniceşti, Traducere, studiu introductiv şi note de Ierom. Agapie Corbu (Abba Joseph HAZZAYA, seer of God, Spiritual Writings, Translation, Introductory Study and Notes by Hieromonk Agapie Corbu), Editura Sf. Nectarie, Arad, 2019, XCV+214 pp.

(Protosyngellos Nicolae M. TANG)

Darren SARISKY (ed.), Theologies of Retrieval: An Exploration and Appraisal, Bloomsbury Publishing, Oxford, 2017, 320 pp

(Rev. Traian NOJEA)

Pr. Stéphane BIGHAM, Icoana în Tradiţia Ortodoxă (The Icon in the Orthodox Tradition), translated by Diana Preda and Cornel Apostol, Theosis Publishing House, Oradea, 2016, 251pp.

(Vasile Eugen SUCIU)

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