Vol. 95/ nr. 2 (apr.-june)


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The Pressing Actuality of the Message of the Heads of the Local Orthodox Churches at the Beginning of the Third Christian Millennium

(Rev. Prof. Dr. Ioan Tulcan)


† Nestor Dinculeană

Religious Holidays of the Jewish People in the Post-Exilic Period

Andreas Müller

The Christianisation of Philanthropy in Ioannes Chrysostomos

Mihai Brie

The Exaposteilarion of the Savior’s Resurrection. Interpretive Nuances

Ioan Tulcan

The Reception of Father Stăniloae’s Trinitarian Theological Thinking in the German Space and Its Meanings

Corneliu-Dragoș Bălan, Nicușor Tucă, Florina Bălan

Challenges and Destructive Practices for the Contemporary Family

Vasile-Doru Fer

Biblical-Theological Values in the Thought and Work of St. Cyril of Alexandria

Ştefan Negreanu

“Byzantine Symphony” from Emperor Justinian to Basil I the Macedonian

Vasile Cristescu

The Doctrinal Position of the Christology of Evagrius Ponticus in the Teaching of the Eastern Church and its Correction by the Eastern Fathers and Theologians

Filip Albu

The Exigencies of Doctrinal Preaching in the Thinking of Father Ilarion V. Felea (1903-1961). Notes to the Volume of Sermons Duhul adevărului


Reinard Thöle, Geheiligt werde Dein Name. Christliche Gottesdienste zwischen Anbetung und Anbiederung, Baden-Baden, Tectum Verlag, 2021, 178 pp.

(Rev. Prof. Dr. Ioan Tulcan)

Florin Dobrei, Sebastian-Dragoș Bunghez, Preotul profesor Teodor Botiș (1873-1940). O viață în slujba bisericii, a învățământului și a neamului românesc [The priest teacher Teodor Botiș (1873-1940). A life in the service of the church, education and the Romanian nation], Editura Universității “Aurel Vlaicu”, Arad, 2022, 576 pp

(Dr. Mircea-Gheorghe Abrudan)

Craig. S. Keener, Miracles Today: The Supernatural Work of God in the Modern World, Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2021, 284 pp

(Rev. Adrian Murg)


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