Vol. 91/ no. 2 (apr.-june)


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Knoweledge of God as Vision, according to St. Gregory Palamas

(Rev. Adrian Murg)


Vasile Vlad 

The Body When Praying

Vasile Cristescu 

The Death and Resurrection of Christ in the Rejection of Apollinarism by Saint Gregory of Nyssa

Vasile Doru Fer 

The Holy Scripture and the Access through It to the Dynamics and Dimension of Religious Education of Young People 

Ştefan Negreanu 

The Work of the Church in Scotland During the First Christian Millennium

Nicolae M. Tang 

Theology and Confession in the Apologies of Saint Justin the Martyr and the Philosopher

Alexandru Nicoară 

The Divine Homotimy between the Two Sexes

Mihail K. Qaramah 

Prayers and Rites for the Home, according to the Ancient Byzantine and Slavo-Romanian Euchologia

Damian Buchiu 

Expounding the Teachings of Faith in Sermons


Ierothéos, Mitropolit al Nafpaktosului, Hainele de piele. Viaţa, bolile, bătrâneţea, moartea şi ceasul morţii (Garments of Skin. Life, Illnesses, Old Age, Death and the Hour of Death) – traducere din limba greacă Protosinghel Teofan Munteanu, Editura Sophia, Bucureşti, 2022, 336 pp. 

(Rev. Lect. Dr. Ştefan Negreanu)

Cuviosul Iosif Isihastul, Simţirea iubirii dumnezeieşti – scrisori şi poezii (Feeling the Divine Love – Letters and Poems)– traducere de Pr. Prof. Constantin Coman and Sabin Preda, Editura Bizantină, Bucureşti, 2020, 608 pp. 

(Ph.D. student Ionuţ Mîlcomete)

Archimandrite Efrem of Vatopedi, Elder Joseph of Vatopedi – A Smile from Eternity, Bonifacio Publishing House, Romania, 2021, 607 pp. 

(Ph.D. student Ionuţ Mîlcomete) 


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