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Special issue
Papers presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Biblical Exegesis, held in Timişoara, Romania, between the 10th and the 12th of November 2022
Editors: Rev. Lect. Dr. Ioan Mihoc and Rev. Lect. Dr. Adrian Murg
The International Symposium on Biblical Exegesis, Timișoara, 2020-2022
Rev. Ioan Mihoc
Studies And Articles
John Applegate
“Do not pray for this people …” (Jer 7, 16; 11, 14; 14, 11; 15, 1): Prayer as an Intensifying Lens in the Book of Jeremiah
Marek Iréneusz Baraniak
The Jewish Kaddish and Christian Lord’s Prayer
Nenad Božović
The Understanding of War in St. John Chrysostom’s Homily on Psalm 44
Stefano Cavalli
Wisdom in the Book of Wisdom as a Typical Hebrew Door to Jesus Christ
Irina-Marinela Deftu
Some Philological and Linguistic Observations on the Editions of the Bible Used by the Orthodox Community in Poland and Romania
Anthony Giambrone
“Unworthy to be Heard” (Lab 50.4)? Hannah’s Prayer and Anxiety for the Fate of Israel in the Biblical Antiquities of Pseudo-Philo
Dragoș Andrei Giulea
Biblical Theophanies and Hesychast Visions: A Theological Consistency on God’s Presence in Creation
Mihai Handaric
The Interpretation of the Books of Moses in Protestant and Neo-Protestant Theology – A Case Study: Brevard S. Childs, Walter Brueggemann, Richard Elliot Friedman, and John Saillhamer
Wojciech Kosek
The Anamnesis Sacrifice of Christ (1 Cor 11, 23–26) as An Offering to the Father for His Victory in the Battle Against the Devil and for His Glorious Return to Those Gathered in the Cenacle
Traian Gheorghe Mocan
The Verb phaneroō in the Gospel of John: A Christocentric Perspective
Iriney Pikovskiy
The Technique and Theology of the Psalm 132/131 Translation in the Septuagint
Giuseppe G. Scollo
The Lion/Lamb of God and the Messiah ben Joseph/ben David: The Impact of the Living and Dynamic Tradition of the Church on the Interpretation of the Word of God
Emilija Vuković
An Investigation on a Little-known Baroque Orthodox Icon of the Crucifixion from the Church of Kraljevac
Book Reviews
Dr. Hans Bruno Fröhlich, Darul cel unic. Taina Botezului în Biserica Evanghelică și Biserica Ortodoxă. Recunoașterea sa și practica în România (The Unique Gift. The Sacrament of Baptism in the Evangelical Church and the Orthodox Church. Its Recognition and Practice in Romania), Honterus Verlag Hermannstadt, Sibiu, 2023, 390 pp.
(Rev. Prof. Dr. Ioan Tulcan)
Chrysostomos A. Stamoulis, Holy Beauty. Prolegomena to an Orthodox Philokalic Aesthetics, translated by Norman Russell, James Clarke & Co., Cambridge, 2022, 236 pp.
(Rev. Lecturer Dr. Florin Tomoioagă)
Florin Duţu, Părintele şi pictorul bisericesc Arsenie Boca (1910-1989) –monografie (Father and Church Painter Arsenie Boca [1910-1989] – A Monograph), “Florea Albă de Colţ” Publishing House, Bucharest, 2021, 491 pp.
(Ph.D. student Ionuț Mîlcomete)
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