Vol. 77/ no. 4 (oct.-dec.)



The Neoreligious Phenomenon with Oriental Background and its Influence on Christianity

Rev. Caius Cutaru, Ph.D.


Cristinel Ioja

St. Maximus the Confessor’s Mystagogy and Its Interpretative Emphasis in the Thinking of the Theologians Dumitru Staniloae and Hans Urs von Balthasar

Martin Robra

Der Ökumenische Rat der Kirchen und die Pfingstkirchen

Daniel Lemeni

Spiritual Authority and the Care of Souls in Late Antique Monasticism

Constantin Rus, Traian Nojea

Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) and his Vision of the Jurisdictional Papal Primacy

Ovidiu Panaite

From John Rawls’ Distributive Justice to Amartya Sen’s Plurality of Social Universes

Lucian Farcașiu

The Romanian Liturgical Theology in the First Half of the 20th Century in the Service of the Orthodox Church. Leading Representatives

Lucian Petroaia

THE RULE OF HOLY COMMUNION: Hymnografic Meanings, Theological Significance, Ecclesial Applications

Mihai Brie

Musiker und Patriot. Iacob Muresianu – Sequenzen der musikalischen Geschichtsschreibung und aus dem Leben einer großen Persönlichkeit

Mihaela Maria Bala

The inheritance of loan Alexandru The Hymns of Transylvania


Jose Maria Marti Sanchez, Mar Moreno Mozos (eds.), Matrimonio religioso y Derecho Español concordato, Comares, Granada, 2016,131 pp.

(Rev. Constantin Rus)

Avva Evagrie Ponticul, Monahul sau Făptuitorul (Praktikos) – o sută de capitole despre viața duhovnicească [Evagrios of Pontus, Praktikos or The Monk — One Hundred Chapters on the Spiritual Life], Introduse și comentate de schimarhimandrit Gabriel Bunge, Traducerea romanească: diac. loan I. Ică jr., Editura Deisis, Sibiu, 2016,347 pp.

(Protos. Nicolae M. Tang).

Varsanufie, Arhiepiscopul Ramnicului, Aceasta este viața veșnică. Studii de gnoseologie patristica [This is the Eternal Life. Studies in Patristic Gnosiology], Editura Praxis, Ramnicu-Valcea, 2015,164 pp.

(Rev. loan Lazăr)
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