Author Archive

Vol. 94/ nr. 1 (ian.-mar.)


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A Systematization of Church Music in the 8th Century

(Protosyngellos Lect. dr. Nicolae M. TANG)


Stelian Tofană

Who Is the “Beloved Disciple” in the Gospel of John? – Hypothesis or Solution for the Johannine Paternity of the Gospel?

Constantin Rus

The Holy Mystery of Confession – Some Canonical Remarks

Vasile Cristescu

The Apollinarist Doctrine and Its Rejection by St. Gregory of Nyssa

Tiberiu Ardelean

Church Music from the West of the Country from the Declarations and Confessions of Some Outstanding Musical Personalities

Ioan-Tănase Chiș

Arguments and Assets of Orthodoxy in Contemporary Europe

Răzvan Perșa

Romanian Orthodox Academic Theology and the Discovering of the Philokalia during the Interwar Period

Ovidiu-Mihai Neacșu

I Corinthians 15, 44-45 . The First Man, Adam and the Last Adam


Matthias Hartmann and Vasile Stanciu (eds.), Das Leben als Geschenk Gottes. Christliche Verantwortung im Angesicht des Todes, Seria Biblioteca teologică germano-română, Schiller Verlag, Bonn-Sibiu, 2018, 216 pp.

(Rev. Prof. Dr. Ioan Tulcan)

Juan Ignacio Arrieta, Corso di diritto vaticano, Edusc., Roma, 2021, 384 pp., Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Subsidia canonica, 31, [ISBN: 978-88-8333-931-8]

(Rev. Prof. Dr. Constantin Rus)

Sfântul Isaac Sirul, Cuvinte ascetice (Ascetical Homilies), vol. 1, Cuvintele I-XXX, ediție bilingvă, text critic grec stabilit de Marcel Pirard, Université de Louvain; Introducere, traducere, note și comentarii Ieromonah Agapie Corbu (Bilingual edition, Greek critical text established by Marcel Pirard, Université de Louvain; Introduction, translation, notes and comments by Hieromonk Agapie Corbu), Editura Sf. Nectarie, Arad, 2022, ISBN 978-606-8840-20-8, CXLVIII+622 pp.

(Protosyngellos Lect. dr. Nicolae M. Tang)


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Vol. 93/ nr. 4 (oct. – dec.)


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Reflecting on Life and Death

(Rev. Vasile Vlad PhD.)


Papers Presented at the

International Symposium Medicine & Theology:

The Phenomenon of Death in the Age of Biotechnology

held at the “Hilarion V. Felea” Faculty of Orthodox Theology from Arad, 

on the 2nd of November 2022. 


Rev. Prof. Dr. Cristinel Ioja PhD., and Rev. Prof. Dr. Vasile Vlad PhD.


Werner Neuer

Salzburg Declaration

Cristinel Ioja

The Phenomenon of Death in the Era of Biotechnologies. A Perspective of Orthodox Dogmatics

Ioan C. Teşu

The Human Being – between Deification by Grace and Biotechnology Augmentation

Tiberiu Medeanu

Thanatology, from Zamolxes to Modern Medicine

Vasile Vlad

Fear of Death. A Theological Perspective

Mihaela Orodan

The Significance of An Integral Anthropology in the Proximity of Death

Ispas Ruja

Position on the Criteria of Brain Death in the Documents of the Roman Catholic and Evangelical Churches in Germany

Dumitru-Adrian Ciurea

Adveniat Regnum Tuum. The Millenium between Relevance and Mystery

Andrei-Ioan Danciu

Beauty Surgery and the Christian Conscience


Emilian (Nica) Crișanul, Episcop-vicar, Episcopia Hușilor: memorie și actualitate (Monografie istorică) [The Diocese of Husi: Memory and Actuality (Historical Monograph)], Editura Doxologia, Iași; Editura Horeb, Huși,2022, 414 pp.

(Rev. Dr. Ştefan Negreanu)

Carlo Fantappiè, Il diritto canonico nella società postmoderna. Lezioni universitarie, G. Giappichelli, Torino, 2020, 399 pp., ISBN: 978-88-921371-7-2

(Rev. Prof. Dr. Constantin Rus)

Constanța Cristescu, The Anastasimatar from Arad – Composed according to the Musical Notations of Trifon Lugojan, Editura Eurostampa, Timișoara, 2021

(Rev. Lect. Dr. Tiberiu Ardelean)


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Vol. 92/ no. 3 (jul.- sept.)


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The Importance of Daily Prayer in Monotheistic Religion

by Rev. Caius Claudius Cuţaru PhD.


Caius Claudius Cuţaru

Religious Mentalities and Attitudes in Times of Pandemic

Lucian Farcaşiu

Supra-Veneration of Theotokos in the Liturgical Services of the Orthodox Church

Teofan Mada

Theology and Spirituality in the Ecclesial Conception of Charles Curran

Cătălin Raiu

Confronting Religion from a Post-Political Perspective. Health Policies during the Covid-19 Pandemic inRomania

Gabriel-Valeriu Basa

Roman Ciorogariu – Director of the Theological-Pedagogical Institute in Arad

Gabriela Radu

The Ruler’s Virtues in the Ekthesis of Agapetus Diaconus

Adrian Murg

Christian Life as Warfare, according to Ephesians 6, 10-20

Florin-Ioan Gașpar

A View on the Orthodox Neopatristics of the Second Half of the Twentieth Century. Consequences andInsufficiencies

Alexandru Lazar

The Politico-Dogmatic Stage of the Apocatastasis’ Condemnation. Post-synodal Perspectives136


†Damaschin Dorneanu, Vicar Bishop of the Archdiocese of Suceava and Rădăuți, Dimensiunea mistagogică aSăptămânii Sfintelor Pătimiri. Elemente de antropologie duhovnicească (The Mystagogic Dimension of the Holy and GreatWeek. Elements of Spiritual Anthropology), Crimca Publishing House, Suceava, 2022, 863 pp.

(Lucian Farcașiu)

Academician preot profesor universitar doctor Mircea Păcurariu (1932- 2021) – o viață pusă în slujba lui Dumnezeu și a neamului românesc, Editura Renașterea, Cluj Napoca și editura Episcopiei Devei și Hunedoarei, Deva, 2021, coordonatori: † Gurie Georgiu, preot Florin Dobrei, 384 pp.

(Gabriel-Valeriu Basa)

Patrick Schreiner, Matthew, Disciple and Scribe: The First Gospel and Its Portrait of Jesus, BakerAcademic, Grand Rapids, 2019, xiv + 289 pp.

(Adrian Murg)


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Vol. 91/ no. 2 (apr.-june)


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Knoweledge of God as Vision, according to St. Gregory Palamas

(Rev. Adrian Murg)


Vasile Vlad 

The Body When Praying

Vasile Cristescu 

The Death and Resurrection of Christ in the Rejection of Apollinarism by Saint Gregory of Nyssa

Vasile Doru Fer 

The Holy Scripture and the Access through It to the Dynamics and Dimension of Religious Education of Young People 

Ştefan Negreanu 

The Work of the Church in Scotland During the First Christian Millennium

Nicolae M. Tang 

Theology and Confession in the Apologies of Saint Justin the Martyr and the Philosopher

Alexandru Nicoară 

The Divine Homotimy between the Two Sexes

Mihail K. Qaramah 

Prayers and Rites for the Home, according to the Ancient Byzantine and Slavo-Romanian Euchologia

Damian Buchiu 

Expounding the Teachings of Faith in Sermons


Ierothéos, Mitropolit al Nafpaktosului, Hainele de piele. Viaţa, bolile, bătrâneţea, moartea şi ceasul morţii (Garments of Skin. Life, Illnesses, Old Age, Death and the Hour of Death) – traducere din limba greacă Protosinghel Teofan Munteanu, Editura Sophia, Bucureşti, 2022, 336 pp. 

(Rev. Lect. Dr. Ştefan Negreanu)

Cuviosul Iosif Isihastul, Simţirea iubirii dumnezeieşti – scrisori şi poezii (Feeling the Divine Love – Letters and Poems)– traducere de Pr. Prof. Constantin Coman and Sabin Preda, Editura Bizantină, Bucureşti, 2020, 608 pp. 

(Ph.D. student Ionuţ Mîlcomete)

Archimandrite Efrem of Vatopedi, Elder Joseph of Vatopedi – A Smile from Eternity, Bonifacio Publishing House, Romania, 2021, 607 pp. 

(Ph.D. student Ionuţ Mîlcomete) 


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Vol. 90/ no. 1 (ian.-mar.)


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Prayer – the Necessity of Man’s Dialog with God

Rev. Prof. Ioan Tulcan, PhD.


Nestor Dinculeană

History, Culture and Spirituality of the Ancient Biblical Peoples of the Transjordan Area

Jerzy Ostapczuk

The Number of Days in the Menologia of the Cyrillic Tetraevangelia Issued in the 16th Century in the Middle-Bulgarian Redaction of the Church Slavonic Language as Basis for their Division into Groups

Vasile Creţu

The Public Communication’s Actions and the Religious Practice in the Christian Churches during the Pandemic

Cătălina Mititelu

On the “Concordat Marriage” and its Legal Regime Considerations and Assessments

Florin Dobrei

Churches, Peoples, Places and Habits from the Once upon a Time Banat Highland

Lucian Vasile Petroaia

The Issue of Burying Unbaptized Babies, in the Orthodox Church

Teofan Mada

Magisterium and Theological Revisionism

Rafael Povîrnaru

Vocation and Priestly Service According to Romanian Liturgist Ene Branişte

Ioan Popa-Bota

The Tree of Life: A Hymnological and Iconic Perspective of Life


Anastasimatarul arădean alcătuit după notaţiile muzicale ale lui Trifon Lugojan de Constanţa Cristescu, Eurostampa Publ., Timişoara, 2021, 515 pp

(Pr. Stelian Ionaşcu)

Romanian Modernity – Historical, Cultural and Theological Paradigms, Romanian Academy, Center for Transylvanian Studies, Supllement no. 1 of “Transylvanian Review”, Cluj-Napoca, year XXX, 2021, 314 p.

(Rev. Florin Dobrei)

Ucenicii lui Evagrie, Capete filocalice (EVAGRIUS’ DISCIPLES, Philocalic Texts), Traducere, introducere, note şi comentarii Ieromonah Agapie Corbu, Ediţie bilingvă, Editura Sf. Nectarie, Arad, 2020, ISBN: 978-606-8840-15-4, XLVI+283 pp.

(Protosyngellos Lect. dr. Nicolae M. Tang)


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