Archive for the ‘Year 2024’ Category
Vol. 100/ nr. 3 (jul.-sept.)
Suffering and Its Spiritual Meaning or What We Need to See beyond Suffering
Rev. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Caius CUŢARU
La prière du cœur chez Saint Isaac le Syrien
Gheorghe ISTODOR
Teofan MADA
The Limits of the Classical Culture and Philosophy Reception in “The Mystery of Theology”
Vasile-Doru FER
The Election of Matthias and the Completion of the Apostolic College (Acts 1, 15-26)
Casian RUŞEŢ
Metropolitan Andrei Șaguna and the Diocese of Caransebeș – People, Facts, Places
Gabriel PIȘTEA
Alexandru LAZĂR
Shall All Be Saved? Current Orthodox Clarifications to Pope Francis’ Statements
Ioan-Simion HODEAN
(Protosyngellos lect. dr. Nicolae M. Tang)
(Rev. Dr. Florin Ioan Gașpar)
(Rev. Deacon Alexandru Lazăr, PhD Candidate)
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Vol. 99/ nr. 2 (apr.-june)
Special issue
Papers presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Biblical Exegesis, held in Timişoara, Romania, between the 10th and the 12th of November 2022
Editors: Rev. Lect. Dr. Ioan Mihoc and Rev. Lect. Dr. Adrian Murg
The International Symposium on Biblical Exegesis, Timișoara, 2020-2022
Rev. Ioan Mihoc
Studies And Articles
John Applegate
Marek Iréneusz Baraniak
The Jewish Kaddish and Christian Lord’s Prayer
Nenad Božović
The Understanding of War in St. John Chrysostom’s Homily on Psalm 44
Stefano Cavalli
Wisdom in the Book of Wisdom as a Typical Hebrew Door to Jesus Christ
Irina-Marinela Deftu
Anthony Giambrone
Dragoș Andrei Giulea
Biblical Theophanies and Hesychast Visions: A Theological Consistency on God’s Presence in Creation
Mihai Handaric
Wojciech Kosek
Traian Gheorghe Mocan
The Verb phaneroō in the Gospel of John: A Christocentric Perspective
Iriney Pikovskiy
The Technique and Theology of the Psalm 132/131 Translation in the Septuagint
Giuseppe G. Scollo
Emilija Vuković
Book Reviews
(Rev. Prof. Dr. Ioan Tulcan)
(Rev. Lecturer Dr. Florin Tomoioagă)
(Ph.D. student Ionuț Mîlcomete)
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Vol. 98/ nr. 1 (ian.-mar.)
Human Being in the Image of God
Rev. Prof. Dr. Ioan Tulcan
Cristinel Ioja
Ioan Tulcan
The Mystery of the Holy Trinity – Reflected in the Quality of Man as the “Image” of God
Dorin-Gabriel Pandele
The Divine Union of God with Man at Plotinus and Saint Dionysius the Areopagite. A Comparative Study
Gheorghe Butuc
Orthodoxy versus Phyletism. A Solution for a Balanced Experience of Romanianism in Orthodoxy
Radu Tascovici
The Political Thought and Foreign Policy of Saint Voivode Neagoe Basarab (1512-1521)
Filip Albu
Liturgy Catechesis in the Manuscript of Catechism Lessons from the Diocese of Arad. Liturgy
Ioan Lazăr
The Heart and the Mind as Mirroring of the Spiritual Life at Kallistos and Ignatius
Emanuel-Ioan Pavel
Paralimni, Cyprus 5-7 March, 2024
(Rev. Dr. Caius Claudius Cuţaru)
(Archm. Casian Ruşeţ)
(Rev. prof. dr. Sorin Cosma)
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