Author Archive

Vol. 78/ no. 1 (ian.-mar.)




Dr. Justin Moisescu (1910-1986): A Scholar Patriarch and a Promoter of the Inter-Christian Approach

Rev. Prof. dr. Ioan Tulcan



Vicar Bishop of the Diocese of Arad

The Contribution of the Parish to the Church Unity

Christine CHAILLOT

L’Eglise Assyrienne Apostolique en Irak


The Ecclesial Perspective  in the Dialogue Between  Theology and Science

Cristinel Ioja

Orthodox Dogmatics and Relevance of Re-Discovering the Holy Fathers in the Romanian Theology of the First Half of the Twentieth Century


Father Professor Sebastian Chilea. Novel Reflections on Sermon and Preacher

Teofan MADA

Blessed Augustine „of the Graces”

Vasile-Doru FER

„But When the Fullness of Time Came” (Galatians 4, 4). The Fullness of Time – the Implementation of God’s Eternal Plan  to Save the World


The Synodality of the Romanian Orthodox Church in the Modern and Contemporary  Period (from 1864 to Present)

Cosmin Santi

The Legal Status of the Church during the Union of Romanian Principalities


HE Dr. Irineu POPA, Mitropolitul Olteniei, Biserica în actualitate sau actualitatea Bisericii (The Church in the Present or the Actuality of the Church), Editura Academiei Romane, Bucuresti, 2018, 552 p.

(Rev. Cristinel IOJA)

Philip De Souza, Razboaiele medice. 499-386 i. Hr., Editura Litera, Bucuresti, 2018, 142 pp.

(Rev. Caius Claudius CUTARU)

Inbar G RAIV ER, Asceticism of the Mind: Forms of Attention and Self-Transformation in Late Antique Monasticism, Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 2018.

(Daniel Lemeni)
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Vol. 77/ no. 4 (oct.-dec.)



The Neoreligious Phenomenon with Oriental Background and its Influence on Christianity

Rev. Caius Cutaru, Ph.D.


Cristinel Ioja

St. Maximus the Confessor’s Mystagogy and Its Interpretative Emphasis in the Thinking of the Theologians Dumitru Staniloae and Hans Urs von Balthasar

Martin Robra

Der Ökumenische Rat der Kirchen und die Pfingstkirchen

Daniel Lemeni

Spiritual Authority and the Care of Souls in Late Antique Monasticism

Constantin Rus, Traian Nojea

Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) and his Vision of the Jurisdictional Papal Primacy

Ovidiu Panaite

From John Rawls’ Distributive Justice to Amartya Sen’s Plurality of Social Universes

Lucian Farcașiu

The Romanian Liturgical Theology in the First Half of the 20th Century in the Service of the Orthodox Church. Leading Representatives

Lucian Petroaia

THE RULE OF HOLY COMMUNION: Hymnografic Meanings, Theological Significance, Ecclesial Applications

Mihai Brie

Musiker und Patriot. Iacob Muresianu – Sequenzen der musikalischen Geschichtsschreibung und aus dem Leben einer großen Persönlichkeit

Mihaela Maria Bala

The inheritance of loan Alexandru The Hymns of Transylvania


Jose Maria Marti Sanchez, Mar Moreno Mozos (eds.), Matrimonio religioso y Derecho Español concordato, Comares, Granada, 2016,131 pp.

(Rev. Constantin Rus)

Avva Evagrie Ponticul, Monahul sau Făptuitorul (Praktikos) – o sută de capitole despre viața duhovnicească [Evagrios of Pontus, Praktikos or The Monk — One Hundred Chapters on the Spiritual Life], Introduse și comentate de schimarhimandrit Gabriel Bunge, Traducerea romanească: diac. loan I. Ică jr., Editura Deisis, Sibiu, 2016,347 pp.

(Protos. Nicolae M. Tang).

Varsanufie, Arhiepiscopul Ramnicului, Aceasta este viața veșnică. Studii de gnoseologie patristica [This is the Eternal Life. Studies in Patristic Gnosiology], Editura Praxis, Ramnicu-Valcea, 2015,164 pp.

(Rev. loan Lazăr)
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Vol. 76/ no. 3 (jul.-sept.)



Searching for the Orthodox Identity of the Biblical Studies

Re. Lect. Adrian MURG, PhD


Johannes REIMER

Im Gesprăch evangelisieren


Die „Handreichung zur Seelsorge an Sterbenden und ihren Angehorigen“ der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (EKD) und der Orthodoxen Bischofskonferenz (OBKD)

Cristinel IOJA

St. Maximus the Confessor in the Thinking of the Theologians Dumitru Stăniloae and Hans Urs von Balthasar

Ciprian STREZA

Sein und Leben in Christus – Von der mystischen Prăsenz zum Erleben der Taufgnade -eine philokalische Sichtweise

Remus Mihai FERARU

The Alexandrian Pact of Union between the Imperial Church and the Theodosian Monophysites (633 AD) – the Premise of Monoenergism

Vasile-Doru FER

“For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time for my departure is near” (II Tim 4, 6). The Last Period of the Missionary Activity of the Apostle Paul and the Beginning of Martyrdom


Patristic Perspective of Communication and Communion. The Ontological and Dialogical Relationship between God and the Human Person

Adrian MURG

Epiphany of Christ in the Pastoral Epistles. Worship and Eschatology


André LOSSKY, Goran SEKULOVSKI (éd.), Jeûne et pratiques de repentance: dimension communautaires et liturgiques, coll. Semaines d’études liturgiques Saint-Serge 58, Münster, Aschendorff, 2015, 332 pp.

(Constantin RUS)

Darren SARISKY (ed.), Theologies of Retrieval: An Exploration and Appraisal,  Bloomsbury Publishing, 2017, 320 pp.

(Traian NOJEA)

Dimitrios TSELENGHIDIS, Grace and Freedom in The Patristic Tradition of the 14th Century, translated by Prof. Daniel PUPĂZĂ PhD, Doxologia Publishing House, Iaşi, 2015, 171pp.

(Vasile-Eugen SUCIU)

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Vol. 75/ no. 2 (apr.-june)

CONTENT (here)


For a Dialogue between Theology-Philosophy-Science. An Orthodox Theological Approach

Rev. Prof. Cristinel Ioja, PhD


Georgică Grigoriță

Precedence vs Primacy in the Church: A Canon Law Approach

Martin Illert

Orthodoxie und Reformation

Adrian Lemeni

The Relationship between the Natural and the Supernatural of the Iconic Ontology Reflected in the Reciprocity between Reason and Faith Landmarks of Father Dumitru Staniloae’s Theology

Vasile Vlad

Ideology and Totalitarianism in Modernity

Lucian Farcasiu

The Prayer Uttered in Alba Iulia on December 1, 1918. An Approach from the Perspective of the Liturgical Theology

Nicolae Preda

“Kutia in Remembrance of the Dead” – that is “Koliva Tradition done in Remembrance of the Dead”

Nicolae M. Tang

Obedience as Dialogue – The Basic Principle of Monastic Life

Remus Mihai Feraru

The Religious Politics of Emperor Heraclius (610-641) in regards to Non-Chalcedonians: Between Reconciliation and Constraint

Stelian Ionașcu

Original Scores from the Religious Creation of Composer Paul Constantinescu


Ignace Berten, Les divorces remarries peuvent-ils communier? Enjeux ecclesiaux des desbats autour du Synode sur la famille er d’Amoris laetitia (La Part-Dieu), Namur, Lessius, 2017, 365 p.

(Constantin Rus)

Evagrie Ponticul, Scolii la Pilde și Ecclesiast [Evagrios Of Pontus, Scholia on Proverbs and on Ecclesiastes], Traducere din limba greacă veche, introducere și note de Ierom. Agapie CORBU, Editura Institutului Biblic și de Misiune Ortodoxă, București, 2017, 223 p.

(Nicolae M. Tang)

Saint Justin Popovici, Calea cunoașterii lui Dumnezeu [The Way of the Knowledge of God], translation from serbian language by the nun Domnica Jalea, The Egumenița Publishing House, 2014, 384 p.

(loan Lazăr)
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Vol. 74/ no. 1 (ian.-mar.)



Rev. Ioan TULCAN, PhD


 Daniel BUDA

Die Wahrnehmung der christlichen Vergangenheit Antiochiens durch den Heiligen Johannes Chrysostomos


Mission und Entwicklung aus Sicht der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland


Orthodox Church’s Attitude to non-Christian Religions


The Church – Manifestation of the Kingdom of God on Earth The Importance of This Topic for Today’s Orthodox Theology


Biblical Perspective of Communication and Communion. The Responsibility of the Word for the Relationship between Human Being and God


The Homiletic Activity of Father Prof. Constantin Galeriu


Holiness and Ascetic Education in the „Apophthegmata Patrum”


The Person of Jesus Christ and His Salvific Action in Theodoret of Cyrus’ dispute with St. Cyril of Alexandria


The First Centuries of Christianity in Ireland



 Pr. Sorin ŞELARU (coordonator), Viorel COMAN, George GHERGA, Hotărârile Dogmatice ale celor şapte Sinoade Ecumenice [The Dogmatic Decrees of the Seven Ecumenical Councils], Editura Basilica, Bucureşti, 2018, 573 p.

(Cristinel IOJA)

Pr. Prof. Univ. Dr. Cristinel IOJA, DOGMATICĂ ŞI DOGMATIŞTI. Prolegomena privind aprofundarea Teologiei Dogmatice Ortodoxe în România în a doua jumătate a secolului al XX-lea şi începutul secolului al XXI-lea (DOGMATICS AND DOGMATISTS. Prolegomenon on Deepening the Orthodox Dogmatic Theology in Romania in the Second Half of the 20th Century and the Beginning of the 21st Century), Ediţia a II-a revizuită şi adăugită, Editura Doxologia, Iaşi, 2017, ISBN: 978-606-666-654-1, 670 p.

(Nicolae M. TANG)

Marguerite HARL, Bruno MEYNADIER, Antonie PIETROBELLI, Voice of Praise, The Biblical Scales of Liturgical Prayers, Doxologia Publishing, Iaşi, 2016, 423 p.

(Flavius LAZĂR)

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